Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics: Transitive Property

The zeroth law of thermodynamics provides for the foundation of temperature as an empirical parameter in thermodynamic systems and establishes the transitive relation between the temperatures of multiple bodies in thermal equilibrium. The law may be stated in the following form:

If two systems are both in thermal equilibrium with a third system, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.

First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy Conservation

The first law of thermodynamics says that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it can only be transferred from one form to another. Energy is the ability to do work.

Second Law of Thermodynamics: Entropy

The second law of thermodynamics says that entropy always increases with time. Entropy is the unavailability of a system’s thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work.

Third Law of Thermodynamics: Heat Death

The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a system approaches a constant value when its temperature approaches absolute zero. At zero temperature, the system must be in the state with the minimum thermal energy, the ground state.