Cosmology is the study of the universe as a whole – its origins, history, and eventual fate; and its matter and energy content as it evolves over time

Cosmology is Everything.”

– Jack, we Think!

  • Real Vector Space

    A Real Vector Space is a Vector Space whose vectors are described by real numbers. We can describe our classical three-dimensional space as simply a Vector Space with three degrees of freedom – or dimensions. Such a space would be labeled: This…

  • Scalar Function

    Scalar Function

    A scalar function is a function of one or more variables whose range is one-dimensional, as compared to a vector function, whose range is three-dimensional (or, in general, n-dimensional).

  • Vector Space

    Vector Space

    A Vector Space is a set of vectors that may be added together and scaled. When we say they may be scaled, we mean that they may be multiplied by numbers called scalars. For example, we may multiply all of the vectors…